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Caribbean Aircraft Handling

A total redevelopment of the website, driving conversion and long-term revenue through digital expansion and evolution.

Quality aviation services in the heart of Barbados

UI & UX Design
Frontend Development
Backend Development
Video Production
Animation Design

Brand Strategy
Digital and Physical Marketing
Visual Identity
Data Analytics & CRO

Collaborating with CIAL during the production of our Barbados travel guide in Outlook Travel revealed significant opportunities for the company's digital transformation, which would become a growing and mutually beneficial partnership that looked to overhaul the company's online presence and subsequent marketing direction.

We decided to combine the new website for CAH and CIAL, creating a base of operations from which the company could action both the B2B and B2C elements of platform-orientated digital interaction. From this concept we originated a design system, consistent with CAH's branding and creating the framework from which the UX would emerge.



Our team decided on a Waterfall structure where the design would be its own self-contained iterative period. Having intricate knowledge of the company and the broader industry thanks to previous work in the sector and with the Barbados Tourism Board, we could inferentially draw from our strong production and PM teams to determine the most advantageous way to position CAH and CIAL.



With the design sign-off actioned by CAH's management, we began building on a CMS framework that would keep all core functionality within a modular and easily documented system. This would then help with the data collation and long-term marketing strategy; analytics and data-driven insights would help define the future roadmap of revenue growth.



Long-term handling of not just the website, but also the analytics side of the digital platform, creating a revenue-optimised environment that helps grow the CIAL service both online and locally with physical marketing outreach.
